Canada: Halt the transfer of weapons and suspend all arms export permits to Israel

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Campaign Updates
February 24, 2024

As a humanitarian organization, we are horrified by Israel’s use of starvation as a "weapon of war” in Gaza. More than half a million Palestinians are facing crisis-level hunger due to the senseless violence and ongoing blockade. 

Meanwhile, the Canadian government continues to allow the supply of weapons to Israel despite the International Court of Justice's order requiring Israel to prevent the risk of genocide in Gaza.

We are hunger-striking for Gaza and urging Canada to uphold an immediate arms embargo on Israel. The Canadian government must do more than call for a ceasefire, it must also hold Israel accountable for its actions and stop fueling the ongoing escalation of violence and growing humanitarian catastrophe in the region.

Join us in saying enough is enough. Sign up today to join us and Canadians from coast to coast in a hunger strike for Gaza.

Canada has a legal responsibility to uphold international humanitarian and human rights law and ensure unimpeded humanitarian access to Gaza. If weapons and weapon parts from Canada are used to commit violations of international law, it could make Canada complicit in war crimes.

Send your email now to urge Canada to halt the transfer of weapons as well as immediately suspend all arms export permits to Israel. We encourage you to also call your MP and let them know you’re on a hunger strike for Gaza.


February 7, 2024

As a humanitarian organization, we are horrified by Israel’s ongoing escalating violence and use of explosive weapons and munitions throughout Gaza. 

While we continue to advocate for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and meet with members of parliament – we are gravely concerned by the ongoing flow of arms and military goods from Canada to Israel. This is taking place through weapons transfers, arms export permits, and parts transferred to the United States destined for Israel. 

Israel’s current military campaign in Gaza is now considered to be amongst the deadliest and most destructive in recent history, according to experts. The Israel Defense Force continues firing explosive weapons and munitions in densely populated areas all throughout Gaza, leading to more than 27,500 deaths and dire humanitarian consequences for the people of Gaza, who have nowhere safe to go. 

There is a high risk of arms and military goods from Canada being used to commit violations of international law, which could make Canada complicit in crimes against humanity.

Add your voice now and urge Canada to halt the transfer of weapons as well as immediately suspend all arms export permits to Israel. 

Canada has a legal responsibility and must use everything within its means –including the halt of arms export permits– to ensure a ceasefire, respect for international humanitarian and human rights law, and unimpeded humanitarian access.

Take action now, send an email to your political representative.

What is happening in Gaza?

The flow of weapons to Israel is exacerbating an existing humanitarian crisis, leading to further destruction in Gaza. With 2.2 million people in Gaza already facing dire conditions due to the total blockade and mass destruction of the region in recent months, the continuation of arms transfer only fuels the violence and suffering even more. The internationally-funded humanitarian aid response has been jeopardized due to the intensity of the hostilities, and experts now consider Israel’s current military campaign in Gaza among the deadliest and most destructive in recent history. 

The persistent strikes have made almost all Gazan medical facilities non-operational, killing an alarming number of journalists and UN aid workers in the process. Communication blackouts, damaged roads, restrictions on essential and commercial supplies, and a restricted bureaucratic process to send aid into Gaza all contribute to the inadequate humanitarian response, leaving UN experts to warn of the “increasing genocidal incitement” of Israel’s operation within Gaza.