Prevent Expansion of the Nelson Aggregates Burlington Quarry

Goal: 2000

Whereas, Nelson Aggregates previously applied for a license to expand their extraction area by 72.3 ha (amended to 42.3 ha), on lands adjacent to the existing 210 ha below-the-water-table quarry that was initiated in October 2004, unanimously voted down by the City of Burlington, Halton Region, Niagara Escarpment Commission, and Conservation Halton, and ultimately DENIED by the Joint Board in October 2012 following a lengthy Hearing, and

Whereas, Nelson Aggregates has made another application for substantially the same area with an even larger extraction footprint of 50.2 ha and encroaching within 200m of a well establish rural community of approximately 100 homes, and

Whereas, Continued gravel mining on Mount Nemo creates significant risk to human health and the natural environment through direct adverse impacts to air quality, ground and surface water, prime agricultural lands, wetlands and woodlands, endangered species, road safety, and the communities’ safe and unimpaired use of surrounding properties, and

Whereas, it is an unfair burden on the municipality and residents to defend the community against another application when it was already rejected by the Province in 2012, and

Whereas, Conserving Our Rural Ecosystem of Burlington (CORE Burlington) is a local volunteer organization, representing community members of Burlington and the surrounding areas who share their opposition to the Nelson Aggregates’ proposed expansion, and

Whereas, The City of Burlington, the Region of Halton and the Niagara Escarpment Commission have once again, all said NO to the current Nelson Aggregates application for expansion, and

Whereas, the City of Burlington, Halton Region and the Niagara Escarpment Commission have in the recent past all recommended that the Mount Nemo plateau be redesignated to ‘Escarpment Protection’ and ‘Escarpment Natural’ which prohibits extraction, and

Whereas, Premier Doug Ford said, in Milton on July 29, 2020, ‘I believe in governing for the people, and when the people don’t want something, you don’t do it”

We the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows:

  • Say no to the current application by Nelson Aggregates for expansion of the Mount Nemo open-pit quarry, and
  • Establish long-term protection through redesignation of the Mount Nemo Plateau to Escarpment Natural and Escarpment Protection


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