Project 2025 is a Threat to Our Democracy 

Write a Letter to the Editor to Educate Your Community on the Dangers of Project 2025 

Project 2025 threatens to create a future that erodes our democratic principals. It would fundamentally alter our government and give the president unprecedented power without checks and balances—all for the benefit of wealthy donors and corporations – at the detriment of everyday Americans.

We reject these extreme anti-democratic power grab and instead work to protect and strengthen U.S. Democracy. 




Write a letter to the editor with our tool here calling out Project 2025 and the threats it poses to our democracy. Use our guidance below to insert key points and your own words, stories and ideas to make sure it is as strong as possible. Your letter is more likely to be published if it:

  • Engages your Audience
  • States the Problem
  • Informs on the Solution
  • Ends with a Call to Action

This tool will walk you through writing a strong letter to the editor.

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