Stop the Debt Trap!

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Dear [recipient position will go here] [recipient name will go here],

[your name will go here]
[your email address will go here] [your location will go here]

Kansas needs payday reform that includes:

1. A reasonable cap on APR interest rates and fees 
2. A required option for installment repayments 
3. Limited initial fees


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Payday lenders in Kansas charge an average of 391% interest- and you must pay back a payday loan in full at your next payday. This means that a product that could be used as a resource for people with emergency expenses ends up trapping people in a cycle of debt. Kansas needs payday loan reform to prevent these predatory lending practices. We must raise the heat so that our legislators cannot ignore the problem any longer!

Call on your legislators to support HB2242 and it's senate version in 2024. You can customize the text to tell your legislator why 391% interest offends your values.