Clapping otter with thank you text

Let's thank Premier Eby and Minister Cullen

The Premier and the Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship have done something remarkable by creating a new $300 million dollar fund. It will help protect 30% of land and water in BC by 2030. The fund, run in partnership with First Nations, will set nature on a path to recovery by 2050!

It’s important for us to cheer on Premier Eby and Minister Cullen to encourage more commitments like this fund. Let's show them voters care about real action to stop biodiversity loss and promote reconciliation with First Nations.

Goal: 500

Let's celebrate this historic investment in nature by sending 300☝️ thank you notes to Premier Eby and Minister Cullen. Will you help us reach that goal?

Dear [recipient position will go here] [recipient name will go here],

[your name will go here]
[your email address will go here] [your location will go here]

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