Tell Rep. Steil: Hands off Social Security & Medicare

Wisconsinites work their entire lives paying into Social Security & Medicare so that when they retire, they can do so with dignity. But for far too long, politicians have threatened to cut Social Security & Medicare, which is the case with the new Republican House of Representatives. 

Join us in holding Representative Bryan Steil accountable and let him know that Social Security & Medicare should not be put on the chopping block.

Simply add your name and address (to confirm you're a constituent) & sign the petition.


Tell Rep. Steil: Hands off Social Security & Medicare

Goal: 100

Wisconsinites work their entire lives paying into Social Security & Medicare so that when they retire, they can do so with dignity. But for far too long, politicians have threatened to cut Social Security & Medicare, which is the case with the new Republican House of Representatives. 

Join us in holding Representative Bryan Steil accountable and let him know that Social Security & Medicare should not be put on the chopping block.

Join us & sign the petition.

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