Open Letter to the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan: phase out fossil fuel investments

A healthcare pension should be healthy. Fossil fuel investments are not.

The burning of fossil fuels is driving the climate crisis – and the climate crisis is a health crisis: extreme heat, intensifying wildfires, poor air quality, mental health impacts and more. So why does the pension fund for Ontario healthcare workers, HOOPP, continue to hold shares in fossil fuel companies?

We are all being impacted by the climate crisis. It makes no sense that HOOPP still holds $2 billion in shares in risky fossil fuel companies – investing HOOPP members' retirement savings in the very companies that are fueling this crisis. HOOPP must phase out its fossil fuel investments.


More info:

See HOOPP's holdings in shares in fossil fuel companies:
June 30, 2023
September 30, 2023

Read more about the background for this open letter here: Ontario health workers get a closer look at HOOPP’s $1.6 billion in oil and gas companies.

Reference 1: "The cost of wind and solar power is already cheaper than gas-fired electricity in Alberta and Ontario." 
See: A Renewables Powerhouse: New research finds that wind and solar power with battery storage is set to produce cheaper electricity than natural gas in Alberta and Ontario 

Reference 2: "And the war in Ukraine has actually sped up the transition to renewables."
See: War in Ukraine Likely to Speed, Not Slow, Shift to Clean Energy, I.E.A. Says and Ukraine war to accelerate shift to clean energy, BP says 

Reference 3: Other pension funds have phased out oil investments without negative impacts on the fund’s finances, calling the returns “easy to replace”.
See: Europe's Biggest Pension Fund Sells €10 Billion in Fossil Fuels 

Ontario Health Care Workers - Sign the Open Letter!

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