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Support Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Build Back Better Bill

Use our click-to-call tool to ask your Senators to fight to retain appropriations in the Build Back Better bill that would advance climate-resilient agriculture!

Climate-resilient agriculture not only has a vital role to play in sequestering vast amounts of greenhouse gases that drive the climate crisis, but in making the soils that families depend on for fresh and nutritious food healthier and more productive.

When you make the call, here are some points you can use to explain how the funding would help families and farmers.

It would:

  • Allow more farmers to protect their lands via the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s conservation programs that promote healthy soils.

  • Increase education and training for farmers to adopt climate resilient practices such as no-till and cover-cropping.

  • Establish more regional food systems and Community Supported Agriculture operations that will get fresh food onto consumers’ tables faster.

  • Expand protections for farm laborers — overwhelmingly Latinx and migrant workers — who often lack adequate health care and other basic necessities.

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