URGENT for JAN 2022! Email the Manitoba Government To Demand Safer Schools and Childcare Centres!

Once again, as schools are required to close in January 2022 and students must learn remotely in Manitoba, our provincial government has been negligent in their duty to protect families, children, educators, and our public education system.

Email this new letter from January 2022 to express your concerns to your MLA and the provincial government to demand essential mitigation measures that are necessary to keep our schools and childcare centres safe in Manitoba in 2022. Our provincial government needs to invest in multi-layered protections against the transmission of the Omicron variant to keep our children, staff, families and communities safe.

Safe September MB has been calling on the Manitoba government to provide safe schools since August of 2020. We know what it will take to make schools safer. Epidemiologists, physicians, educators, and healthcare workers have been sounding the alarm for months. We remain discouraged that our government continues to choose a reactive approach, instead of planning for a safe and sustained return to school.

In the face of the more transmissible Omicront variant and the 4th wave of COVID-19, we need stronger leadership from the Manitoba government.

Thank you for taking action to support a safe plan for all K-12 students and their families in Manitoba.

For information, contact Safe September MB at: safeseptembermb@gmail.com

Safe September MB is a non-partisan group of parents, teachers, and community members who are concerned about the Manitoba provincial government’s plan to reopen schools with inadequate safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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These campaigns are hosted by Parents for Public Education MB or Safe September MB. These organizations will protect your privacy, and keep you informed about their campaigns and others.