Tell Congress to Support the Public Postal Service in the Next COVID-19 Stimulus Package!
As Congress prepares further legislation to address the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, it is crucial to contact all our representatives and urge them to provide the financial support the Postal Service desperately needs. Securing this relief is part of our work to ensure the health and safety of postal workers and the long-term future of the Postal Service.
Tell Congress to give the USPS the assistance they need to serve the 160 million homes and businesses by including the following provisions of direct COVID relief in the next stimulus bill:
One-time funding of at least $25 billion
Funding of the difference between postage revenue and actual operating costs
Compensate the USPS for paid sick leave
Hazard pay for USPS workers
No strings attached for money borrowed by the USPS
Now is the time for urgent action to save the United States Postal Service from the devastating financial impact this crisis is having on its ability to operate and serve the American people.