Ontario teachers: Demand climate transparency about OTPP’s Heritage Royalty "Carbon Bomb"

The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) is the 100% owner of Heritage Royalty, a private company that holds royalty rights for approximately 4 million acres of oil and gas producing lands in Western Canada, Pennsylvania and Texas. Since OTPP’s $3.3-billion purchase of Heritage Royalty in 2015, the company has been leasing land to oil and gas producers and collecting royalties based on production. Three senior OTPP staff sit on Heritage Royalty’s advisory board.

Through Heritage Royalty, OTPP makes money from a portfolio of "carbon bombs"—oil and gas projects that would drive the climate past internationally agreed temperature limits, causing catastrophic global impacts. OTPP committed to net-zero emissions in 2021 and released a climate strategy in 2022. But in nine years of owning Heritage Royalty, OTPP has facilitated the production of millions of barrels of oil and gas while disclosing virtually nothing about Heritage to the working and retired teachers whose pension savings were used to buy the company. By continuing to enable the development of fossil fuels underneath Heritage lands, OTPP is risking the retirement savings of Ontario teachers on a long-term bet that the energy transition will fail.

As the climate crisis accelerates and jeopardizes the retirement security of thousands of Ontario teachers, their families and their students, OTPP members deserve answers from their pension managers about the role this investment has quietly played in increasing oil and gas production and pumping carbon pollution into the atmosphere—and the associated risks Heritage Royalty raises for the pension fund.

Ontario teachers, please sign the following open letter to OTPP demanding transparency about your pension fund’s ownership of the Heritage Royalty carbon bomb.

For more information about OTPP’s ownership of Heritage Royalty, read Shift’s analysis.

Send your letter to OTPP!

Dear [recipient name will go here],

[your name will go here]
[your email address will go here]

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