Submit against the Government’s decision to repeal network approval for Early Childhood Education Services

What's happening?

Submissions on the repeal of early childhood network approval provisions closed on Monday 29 July at 5pm. For further information, please visit:

The context

The Chair of the Education and Workforce Committee is calling for public submissions on the Education and Training Amendment Bill. We have until 11.59pm on 25 July to submit as for unexplained reasons, this legislation is being pushed through under urgency.

This Bill would amend the Education and Training Act 2020 by:

  • ​Repealing the early childhood education (ECE) network approval provisions 
  • Providing for a new type of school (charter school/kura kourua) and allowing state schools to convert to charter schools
  • Enabling the Secretary for Education to make rules about the form and content of attendance data that schools are required to provide.


Why is this important?

We do not agree with the Government’s decision to repeal the network approval provisions or the fast process they’ve used to do it. By submitting and having our voices heard, we are showing that we are the sector experts, and we need to be consulted. 

Removing network management takes away a process which ensured early education services being set up were appropriate for the community.

To make it easier for you to participate in this process, we’ve set up a form for you to fill out with some suggested talking points below. 


Key points:

1.The interests of tamariki, whānau, kaiako, kaimahi and communities should be at the heart of all decisions about early childhood education. Removing network approval will only benefit businesses set to make profit from children’s early education.

  1. The interests of tamariki, whānau, kaiako, kaimahi and communities should be at the heart of all decisions about early childhood education. Removing network approval will only benefit businesses set to make profit from children’s early education.
  2. Removing the network approval provisions will benefit businesses who want to set up new early childhood education services in communities which may already be well served by Kindergarten, Community, Not for Profit, Puna Reo, Kōhanga Reo, or Pacific Language Nests and will further marginalise these services while big business approaches to early childhood education grow.
  3. Removing conditions regarding the suitability, financial, and licensing history from consideration for license approvals sets a dangerous precedent for government investment in early childhood services.
  4. This Bill also includes the introduction of charter school legislation – another rushed measure which does not put the interests of tamariki first and removes funding from state schools. You can also make a comment opposing the introduction of charter schools in your submission. See for more.

To read the proposed changes in full, see:

Submission to Chair of the Education and Workforce Committee

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