Tell City Council: Study Public Power Now!


State regulators continue to reward RG&E with rates hikes, including the recent 34% distribution rate hike over the next 3 years, despite derelict infrastructure, multiple fines and investigations, an epidemic of ongoing billing errors, dysfunctional customer service, downsizing jobs, and inaction on climate change. 

We deserve a future in which we are no longer beholden to a profit-driven, foreign company for our basic energy needs. We deserve to have the chance to make an informed choice on whether we maintain the status quo with RG&E or establish a public utility instead! We can vote out the foreign-owned corporation that owns and controls RG&E, and transform RG&E into a not for profit public utility that is locally owned, will reduce bills, and invest RG&E’s ~$100 Million in yearly profits back to the region to create more local union jobs, responsive customer service, and a renewable energy transition accessible to all.

The first step is a comprehensive feasibility and implementation study. While the County Legislature voted down a public utility study again, the fight is not over! 

Because the City of Rochester already set aside funds that expire this June for a study, we are making a big push through June to get the City to re-allocate that money and lead on commissioning the study. City residents are the hardest hit by RG&E’s insane bills and neglect. Time and time again, residents of the City have demanded a public utility feasibility study. We need our elected officials to demonstrate a willingness to stand up for our city instead of hiding behind the County Legislature's misleadership!

Let’s tell our City leadership that we don’t need the County to save us – we can look out for ourselves and initiate a public utility study on our own.

Please use the form email provided to send an email in support to our elected City leadership! We encourage you to add your experiences with RG&E to your email. 





Tell City Council: Study Public Power Now!

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