Demand your Council Member Withdraw their support for Intro 772

The passage of Local Law 97 (LL97) in 2019 was a strong step in the right direction to reduce NYC’s greenhouse gas emissions. LL97 is the most aggressive and ambitious municipal climate law in the country. Beginning in 2024, LL97 will impose strict yearly GHG emission limits on large to mid-sized buildings (over 25,000 sqft) covered under the law.

Unfortunately, a new bill has been introduced in the City Council which aims to weaken LL97 – Int 772-2024, which disturbingly already has 25 co-sponsors. The bill has been drafted to appear as though it is protecting low-income co-op and condo owners across NYC, but it would allow for some serious loopholes which some non low-income buildings can take advantage of. The problems with the bill are described further in our memo of opposition.

Call your Councilmember today urging them to remove their co-sponsorship of Intro 772 and uplift your support for the full implementation of LL97!

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