Tell Toronto Public Health Your Noise Story!

We are very lucky.

On April 24th the preliminary results from the Toronto Public Health (TPH) Strategic Priorities survey will be announced. In March, our campaign sent over 1,300 emails to elected officials and TPH decision makers telling them that noise pollution needs to be a strategic priority.

Now, we have ONE opportunity to reinforce our message and TWO ways to do that:

#1 You can send an email right now.

  • Fill out the fields in the box to the right, add your story and click “Add Your Voice” at the bottom.

#2 You can speak to the Committees (known as a deputation) on April 24 and share your noise story.

  • Click here to learn about how we can help you speak to the Committee.                                                                 

How to add your noise story:

In the template in the box to the right, after "I am personally impacted by noise", we would love for you to share YOUR NOISE STORY with them. It is uniquely yours. You don't have to; the letter will read just fine if you don’t. 

Simply write:

  • What noise source impacts you most?
  • Describe how it impacts your health.
  • Why prioritizing noise reduction is important to you.

They NEED TO KNOW how noise impacts you and your health!

You could be done in less than 5 minutes with our easy form.

Remember to share your story about how noise impacts you.

Thank you,

No More Noise Toronto

Contact us:

Check out our latest newsletter: April Noise News

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Tell Toronto Public Health Your Noise Story!

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