Support The Freedom To Vote Act

Whatever our color, background or zip code, in America we value our freedom. The freedom to have a say in decisions that impact our lives—from curbing the pandemic to creating jobs to making health care affordable. For months, the American people have been calling for national standards to protect our freedom to vote, ensure fair representation, and get big money out of politics—demanding action in the face of a faction that spread lies about COVID, fueled the deadly attack on our Capitol, and exploited a Senate loophole to block legislation the majority of us support. The Freedom To Vote Act shows our voices have an impact and is an important step toward realizing the promise of democracy for all.

How does the LTE tool work?

Once you enter your information to the right, the tool will find your closest newspapers. You'll see the template language we've made that you can submit straight up, or edit to your liking. Once you've made any changes you want press the 'Submit To My Papers' button and an email will automatically be sent directly to the editors of your local papers with your message. That's it!

Why Write a Letter To The Editor?

Writing a Letter To The Editor is an effective way of adding your voice to the public record that makes a difference. Readers can see Letters To The Editor as important voices in their community.

Support The Freedom To Vote Act

All On The Line

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