Tell Congress: Bezos Must Testify

The ongoing House Judiciary Committee investigation into the business models of major tech companies has been crucial to understanding how these corporations operate—and is an important step to break up corporations like Amazon that have unprecedented monopoly power, dependent on extracting wealth from workers and communities to meet their growth needs.

But unlike other tech company CEOs, Jeff Bezos has so far avoided having to testify before Congress.

From Virginia to Nashville to Minneapolis to California to Seattle and beyond—Amazon is exploiting workers, polluting neighborhoods, extracting billions of dollars in tax revenue while paying next to nothing in federal taxes, and building a massive surveillance empire for police departments and ICE to further surveil and criminalize our Black, brown, immigrant, and Muslim communities. And Amazon can do all of this because of its monopoly power—as the corporation reaches almost every corner of our economy, affecting every facet of our lives.

Working people should have real control over our lives, our workplaces, and our communities. It's time to #BreakUpAmazon.

Demand your representatives commit to putting people over corporations and call on Jeff Bezos to finally testify before Congress.

Tell Congress: Bezos Must Testify

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