Get ICE out of Harris County Jails!

Get ICE out of Harris County

Harris County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) continues to hold contracts and informal agreements with ICE. Harris County is also allowing ICE agents to operate out of the Harris County Joint Processing Center. Giving ICE physical space to work out of the Harris County Joint Processing Center, sharing booking information, and asking about citizenship status are not required under local ordinances, state, or federal laws. This kind of harmful collaboration between Harris County and ICE is entirely voluntary.

Harris County has the highest number of ICE arrests in the nation, and our immigrant community deserves better!

Our demands are the following:

  • ICE should not be permitted to have a physical presence in the Joint Processing Center.
  • Booking information (including date of birth and citizenship status) should not be shared with ICE.
  • HCSO needs to stop honoring invalid ICE detainers. While SB4 requires county compliance with ICE detainers, this only applies to valid detainers.
  • County officials, including law enforcement, Magistrate and Criminal Court judges, should not ask about citizenship status.

Please help us get ICE out of Harris County.

If you have any questions please email and visit our recent blog post here.

Thank you!


Dear [recipient position will go here] [recipient name will go here],

[your name will go here] [your location will go here]

[node:og-group-ref] will keep [submission:values:first_name] and your constituents informed about your position on this issue.

This campaign is hosted by Mi Familia Vota. We will protect your privacy, and keep you informed about this campaign and others.

Dear Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and County Commissioners:


I am a Harris County resident and an activist with Houston Leads. I'm writing to you to ask that you end the ongoing collaboration between ICE and Harris County.


Harris County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) continues to hold contracts and informal agreements with ICE. Harris County is also allowing ICE agents to operate out of the Harris County Joint Processing Center. Giving ICE physical space to work out of the Harris County Joint Processing Center, sharing booking information, and asking about citizenship status are not required under local ordinances, state, or federal laws. This kind of harmful collaboration between Harris County and ICE is entirely voluntary.


Harris County has the highest number of ICE arrests in the nation, and our immigrant community deserves better!


Our demands are the following:


  • ICE should not be permitted to have a physical presence in the Joint Processing Center.
  • Booking information (including date of birth and citizenship status) should not be shared with ICE.
  • HCSO needs to stop honoring invalid ICE detainers. While SB4 requires county compliance with ICE detainers, this only applies to valid detainers.
  • County officials, including law enforcement, Magistrate and Criminal Court judges, should not ask about citizenship status.


Please help us get ICE out of Harris County.


If you have any questions please email and visit our recent blog post here.


Thank you!