Take Action for Chickens on Image of Suffering Chickens

Email some of the largest retailers and urge them to adopt a meaningful animal welfare policy.

The chicken industry has nowhere to hide. In a recent New York Times opinion video, groundbreaking Mercy For Animals footage exposes what the chicken industry does not want you to see: the grim, painful lives chickens endure at factory farms

These broken birds are the industry standard, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

More than 200 companies in North America have adopted standards of the Better Chicken Commitment, a leading set of welfare practices that eliminate the worst abuses to chickens used for meat. But Target and ALDI, some of the largest retailers in the United States, still have no meaningful animal welfare measures in place for the chickens they sell. 

Take a stand for helpless animals by emailing executives at these grocery giants and urging them to ban horrific cruelty to chickens.

Suffering chickens need your help!

A New York Times opinion video featuring Mercy For Animals footage recently exposed the horrific suffering of birds in the chicken industry.   

Email Target and ALDI executives, and ask them to prevent this type of cruelty by adopting meaningful animal welfare standards in their operations.

Dear [recipient name will go here],

[your name will go here]

This campaign is hosted by Mercy For Animals.
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