Canada - Make Gaza a Priority


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As the Canadian Parliament reconvenes on September 16th, we are coming together to demand that Gaza be at the top of their agenda. 

The people of Gaza have suffered unprecedented devastation for over 300 days due to relentless attacks and a blockade that has restricted access to vital aid. Hospitals, schools, and shelters have been targeted, leaving children and families in dire conditions. 

The time to act is now.

The Government of Canada must do everything in its power to push for an immediate ceasefire, implement a complete arms embargo and advocate for vital humanitarian aid to reach the most vulnerable in Gaza.

Add your voice! Urge Canada to make Gaza a priority and protect innocent civilians. Take action now and send an email to your political representative. Let them know that Canadians care about Gaza, and we won’t remain silent while innocent lives are lost.

Our Goals

You have the power to make a difference. Through Canada: Make Gaza a Priority, we aim to 

  1. Make Sure Parliament Prioritizes Gaza
    • Ensure that Gaza is put on the parliamentary agenda, discussed and prioritized the first week Parliament reconvenes. 
  2. Advocate for Humanitarian Access
    • Advocate for unrestricted access for humanitarian aid to reach Gaza, providing life-saving resources to the most vulnerable.
  3. Enforce an Arms Embargo
    • Call for Canada to keep its promise and implement a full arms embargo to prevent further escalation and violence.
  4. Call for a Ceasefire
    • Do everything in our power to push for a ceasefire to save lives.

This is not just another issue—it’s a matter of life and death for millions. 

Every day that passes without action worsens the situation. Civilians, including children, are the most affected by continued violence. The blockade on Gaza has been weaponized against the Palestinian people, depriving an entire population of basic necessities and life-saving aid. 

We must stand together and urge our government to act now.

Goal: 5000

Send an email to your political representative and demand the Government of Canada implement a full arms embargo and push for a ceasefire to save innocent lives.

Take action now!

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This campaign is hosted by Islamic Relief Canada. We will protect your privacy, and keep you informed about this campaign and others.