People First Pledge Action page

The Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 epidemic hasn’t done nearly enough to help working people. We’re calling on members of Congress to take the People's Agenda pledge and vote against the next coronavirus relief package (COVID 4) unless it is a true People’s Agenda for relief: 

  1. Keep people on payrolls: Stop mass layoffs, and preserve employment relationships for all businesses, including small businesses. Ensure federal dollars go to workers and small businesses, not enriching CEOs and Wall Street.

  2. Provide financial relief: Expand aid for the most vulnerable in the COVID-19 epidemic, including direct cash assistance, increased food aid, debt relief, and eviction protections.

  3. Protect public health: Full health coverage for all COVID-19 care and protections for all frontline workers.

  4. Defend elections: Enact a vote-by-mail requirement for 2020 federal elections while maintaining access to in-person voting for those who do not have access to mail voting.

Democrats must ensure the next package provides relief to every person in this country, regardless of tax or immigration status, age or disability.

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