Our Stories are Our Power. Share Yours Here.
Stories bring substance, detail, and urgency to the health policy process
Here are some examples of health care challenges you could write about, but please let us know what you've experienced!
Surprise Ambulance Bills: You received a surprise bill beyond normal cost-sharing for an “out-of-network” ambulance provider.
Still Uninsured: You do not have insurance coverage on Medi-Cal or Covered CA because you cannot afford the current options, and/or because of your immigration status.
Affordability: You can’t afford or are having a hard time paying your monthly premium for health insurance. Your cost sharing (copays, deductibles, etc.) is too high.
Service Coverage: You are unable to find an in network provider or specific service in your area, including gender affirming care, reproductive health care, or others.
Prescription Drugs: Can you not afford the drugs you need? Do you skip or ration medications due to cost?
Timely Access to Care: You have to wait too long for an appointment for primary care. You cannot see a specialist in time to treat a serious medical concern.
Complaints: You have a complaint about your health insurance or your provider, but you are not sure how to file a complaint or need help with the complaint process. You already filed a complaint but have no idea what happened with it or are not satisfied with the response.
Medi-Cal: How have you benefited from Medi-Cal? What still remains a challenge for you using Medi-Cal?