Contact Your Legislator Today!

The Ground Lease Coop Coalition (GLCC) has been working with state lawmakers to provide residents of ground lease co-ops with the fundamental housing rights and consumer protections widely available to traditional renters and modular homeowners.

Today we write to ask for your help - because in a few weeks - our opportunity to protect the investment you made in your co-op, and your family’s future is within reach.

More than 25,000 New Yorkers own their home, but not the land they live upon. Instead, these co-op residents lease the land from a third-party landowner, and as a result of leases negotiated years ago - we are all vulnerable. 

Our collective efforts have resulted in more than 40 members of the legislature standing up to support us - with only a few days remaining for legislative action in Albany, we need to make sure this measure is a priority, approved at the State Capitol, and sent to the Governor’s desk.

By completing the form below, you can add your voice to the campaign to bring fairness, predictability, and affordability to ground lease co-ops across the state.

Dear [recipient position will go here] [recipient name will go here],

[your name will go here]
[your email address will go here] [your location will go here]

This campaign is hosted by The Ground Lease Coop Coalition. We will protect your privacy, and keep you informed about this campaign and others.