Time to act for our journalism and democracy

Two federal by-elections have been called.

They couldn't be more crucial

The parties are watching which issues bubble up to the surface as they get ready for the next federal election.

We must ensure that the voices of FRIENDS supporters are heard. Send your message now to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Andrew Scheer, Jagmeet Singh and Annamie Paul. Use our ready made message or write your own.

By sending your message now, your making sure that every politician in this country knows that you can't get away with espousing an anti-CBC agenda or being too cozy with big tech.


Use our simple tool below to send a letter to your local candidates. By entering your name, email and your postal code, we can help you target your own candidates.

Dear [recipient position will go here] [recipient name will go here],

[your name will go here]
[your email address will go here] [your location will go here]

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