Take Action for Wolves in the Northern Rockies

Wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountain states of Idaho and Montana are subject to hunting and trapping at levels not seen since the mid 20th century when they were nearly driven extinct. At least 25 wolves from Yellowstone National Park have been killed in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. The hunting season has ended in Montana, but Idaho is still killing gray wolves--even pups in their dens. More wolves will surely be killed in the coming months if President Biden and Interior Secretary Haaland fail to act.

The Endangered Species Act grants the Secretary of Interior the ability to issue emergency Endangered Species Act protections in a scenario like this. The former Director of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service under President Obama–who at one point supported delisting this species–has called for these emergency protections. It is a crisis that can be solved but Secretary Haaland and President Biden must act.

Please submit a letter-to-the-editor of your local paper today. We have talking points that you can use and you can send it through this form.

Below, you will see newspapers in your area to submit to along with a draft letter-to-the-editor (LTE) and talking points that you could include. Please edit it to use your own voice to increase your impact.

Note: A phone number is required as most newspapers will call to verify your submission prior to publishing, but will generally not print the number.

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