A struggling chicken with splayed legs is unable to stand to reach the water dispenser. The image is from an ALDI supplier contract farm.

Email ALDI and Tell Them to Adopt a Meaningful Chicken Welfare Policy

Hidden-camera footage recorded by a Mercy For Animals investigator reveals extreme animal suffering at a farm that sells chickens to an ALDI supplier.

The footage captures countless birds, including days-old chicks, suffering from serious injuries and illnesses: splayed or swollen legs, missing eyes, and twisted necks, to name a few. These examples offer only a glimpse of the horror captured by the footage. ALDI must do better.

Help animals by emailing ALDI to request they take action.

Email ALDI and Tell Them to Adopt a Meaningful Chicken Welfare Policy

When you click the "SEND YOUR EMAIL" button, the system will send an email to ALDI or ALDI's leadership on your behalf.

If you edit the email, please remember to keep your message polite.

Dear [recipient name will go here],

[your name will go here]

This campaign is hosted by Mercy For Animals.
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