Tell the federal government: we need a green and just recovery from COVID-19

The stakes are high: the choices Canada makes today will shape how we address health, the climate crisis and social justice for years to come. 

We know that Trudeau's government is actively working on the post-pandemic recovery package. 

A green and just recovery isn't simply about restarting the economy. It's about meeting our environmental goals and achieving social justice. There is no back to normal when normal was a crisis. 

Now is the time to build a powerful people-powered response that brings us together, provides care for our communities, restores nature and reshapes what is politically possible. Climate justice means acting on the climate crisis in a way that builds equity and respects everyone's human rights. 

How can we make this happen?

Help build political pressure and power by emailing your MP now. 


Tell the federal government to invest in a green and just recovery now. 

A green and just recovery means addressing the climate emergency and nature crisis. It means stopping polluters and a wealthy few from profiting at the expense of everyone else - as well as the environment that sustains us. 

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