URGENT: We must act now to stop another summer of raw sewage flooding our rivers.

Sign the petition to force UK water companies to clean up their act now, before it’s too late.

Our rivers and seas should be crystal clear. Sparkling blue waters to swim in and enjoy. But, if we don’t act now, we’re about to spend another summer wading in toxic sludge.

For far too long, water companies have been pumping raw sewage into our waterways whenever they like. Even during the dry summer months, when there’s no reason at all to use “emergency overflows”, they think they can get away with letting human waste run into our rivers, killing wildlife and making us sick. 

But what makes us sick to our stomachs is that rather than investing in infrastructure to stop this disgusting pollution, they paid out £958m to shareholders last year instead. Enough is enough. We can’t stand by and watch another summer of sewage, but it will take all of us speaking out to stop it. 

Will you add your name to help pile on the pressure and push the government, water companies and regulators to change their ways before our waterways are ruined forever?

We’re demanding:

  1. CEO bonuses to be capped – like we did with bankers – so they can’t get rich while ruining our rivers and seas.
  2. No shareholder pay-outs unless water companies comply with environmental regulations.
  3. Ofwat, the water company regulator, properly enforces licences and stops water companies getting away with making their own rules. 
  4. All UK water companies (privatised or public) need to lift the lid on where our money is going.

If you want to stop water companies swimming in money while we’re swimming in shit, sign the petition now to demand they clean up their act >>


Goal: 210000
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Demand an end to water companies profiting while they’re polluting

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