Tweet Biden Now: Demand Justice for Black Migrants

Haitian asylum seekers who have for weeks and months been fleeing toward what they thought was safety, are being terrorized, abused, and then deported. Others are being sent to Guantanamo Bay, or back to Mexico where organized crime and collaborators in Mexican security forces routinely prey on Black migrants because of their skin color. 

Thousands of people, including families and children, will be expelled to Haiti - a country the Administration itself has described as teetering on the brink of collapse, after centuries of imperialism, foreign intervention, climate crisis and more. 

Biden made promises to the Haitian community to have more fair immigration policies. And yet he may soon be responsible for carrying out the largest mass expulsion of would-be asylum-seekers in recent American history. 

It’s time to turn up the pressure and hold Biden to his promises. 

Join Color Of Change and Black Alliance for Just Immigration(BAJI) for the National Week of Action for Black Migrants by tweeting at Biden and demanding justice for Black migrants now!

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