
Demand Justice for Grace: Tell Judge Mary Ellen Brennan to resign now.

Grace’s charges have been dropped and her probation is officially terminated!

Now, after spending summer in a cage for not doing her homework, Grace will be in the care of her mother and free from the worry of future court dates and probation officer visits. 

While this is a major victory, we continue to fight.

There are far too many injustices about this case to let our fight end here. Judge Mary Ellen Brennan should have never sent a 15-year-old girl to jail in the middle of a deadly pandemic all for not doing her homework. And even worse, she should not have reinforced her terrible decision months later by denying her request to be released. 

Judge Brennan put young Grace’s life in danger and subjected her to a lifetime of trauma by sending her to a cage amidst a pandemic.

Judge Mary Ellen Brennan has displayed that she is not fit to hold office and lacks the ability to have sound judgement when it comes to overseeing Black kids in court. She must resign. Period.

When you click the MAKE THE CALL button, the system will call your phone and patch you through.  PLEASE HAVE YOUR PHONE READY.

This is what you should be prepared to say:

  • My name is [your name] and I am calling for Judge Mary Ellen Brennan's immediate resignation for the injustice Grace faced.
  • Grace should have never been sent to jail during the height of a global pandemic. 
  • She should have been in the care of her mother where she was safe and sound, and NOT in a cage where she was at heightened risk for COVID exposure. 
  • Although she's been released now, she will face a lifetime of trauma due to Judge Brennan's decision. 
  • I demand Judge Brennan immediately resign.

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