Call your Senator to Pass the American Innovation and Choice Online Act!

Big Tech gets bigger by eliminating its competition in the digital market. From Facebook buying Instagram—which then copied TikTok—to killing Vine, Big Tech has a history of acquiring, copying, and killing competitors. Without competition, Big Tech can force small businesses to use their platforms while also driving them out of existence. Amazon copies and downranks its competitors’ products, simultaneously undercutting its competitors’ prices to eventually overtake them. These anti-competitive practices neither drive innovation nor give us choice. 

Believing it’s too big to fail, Big Tech acts recklessly. Companies like Amazon and Apple leverage their monopoly power to limit the economic advancement of Black small business owners. When Big Tech refuses to prioritize people over profits, we need antitrust reform to limit its monopoly power.

Call your senator and demand that they cosponsor the American Innovation and Choice Online Act and the Open App Markets Act. Add your contact information below and you'll receive a script and call that will connect you directly with your senator’s office now. 

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