Ask Your Senator to Co-Sponsor the Digital Service Act

The Digital Service Act writes into law support for a radically different way of making and running the government services we all rely on, a way that puts people first.

Today, the vast majority of government technology is overpriced and under-delivers. Too often, government programs spend millions of taxpayer dollars but don’t actually help constituents because the systems they rely on are built to comply with hundreds of obscure regulations, but not to actually work for the people who are supposed to use them. And these failures have huge consequences: veterans who die waiting for their benefits, families who can’t feed their children despite the availability of food assistance, and people stuck in the criminal justice system because of administrative failures instead of major crimes.

This Digital Service Act changes that by bolstering the US Digital Service and empowering states and local governments to establish similar teams. It challenges the status quo in service delivery, saves taxpayer dollars, and puts the power of user-centered design to work on behalf of the American people.

This is an important step toward making government truly work for all Americans. Join us in urging your Senator to co-sponsor the Digital Service Act.


Goal: 800

Help us pass the Digital Service Act of 2019 by asking your Senators to co-sponsor! 

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This campaign is hosted by New/Mode for Code for America.