TAKE ACTION NOW: Demand Congress address income inequality!

"Dear [Congressperson], I am concerned about the spiraling inequality in our country. A new report released by the RAND Institute found that over the past 45 years, policies rigged for the rich and powerful have effectively taken away $50 trillion – not billion, not million, but trillion – from everyday people, including in [your community].
This new report found that rising inequality is costing American workers $2.5 trillion a year in lost income. The typical US worker would be making $42,000/year more. Here’s a link to the report; I hope you’ll read it: time.com/5888024/50-trillion-income-inequality-america/
As your constituent, I want you to know that the central goal of our nation’s economic policy must be nothing less than the doubling of median income. We must dramatically narrow inequality between distributions while eliminating racial and gender inequalities within them.

I look forward to your reply."

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