Join with us!
As proud citizens of this diverse and culturally rich nation, we believe it is important to recognize and celebrate the contributions of various religious and cultural groups. We would like to invite you to be part of the movement to have “Christian Heritage Month” officially recognized in Canada.
Christianity is the most followed religion in our country, with more than half of the Canadian population identifying as members of the Christian faith. It has shaped Canada's social, cultural and ethical fabric, with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms mentioning God in the first sentence. While other religions have dedicated heritage months, there is no recognized Christian Heritage Month in Canada.
We believe this should be changed.
Please join us and reach out to officials of your city, your province, your Member of Parliament and The Honourable Pascale St-Onge, Minister of Canadian Heritage of the Government of Canada, to ask for the formal recognition of the month of December as Christian Heritage Month. By designating December as Christian Heritage Month, we affirm the importance of religious freedom and promote an inclusive understanding of our collective heritage. This designation would provide an opportunity for Canadians of all backgrounds to appreciate and celebrate the positive impact of Christianity on our shared history.
We seek your support in signing this petition and urging all your family and friends to do the same. It is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your dedication to building a harmonious and inclusive Canadian society.