Bringing affordable housing home: An action plan for housing stability in Ontario
It’s time to bring affordable housing home.
The lack of affordable, safe and accessible housing impacts everyone, but none more than those living on lower incomes.
Two in five renter households in Ontario are paying unaffordable rents. A 2021 survey showed that food bank visits are on the rise, and 2 in 3 food bank visitors in Ontario have less than $100 left after paying their monthly housing costs. And the devastating impacts of housing instability ripple wide, eroding whole communities and our economy.
How do we act on housing so that Ontarians don’t have to make tough choices between food and rent or find themselves turned away from an at-capacity shelter?
To support governments and the community housing sector address a worsening housing crisis, United Ways across Ontario facilitated a province-wide sector engagement with non-profit housing and service providers to create an action plan: ‘Bringing Affordable Housing Home’ that outlines seven strategic recommendations to grow affordable housing and address the full continuum of housing needs in Ontario. Through practical solutions-focused recommendations, we’ve outlined what the community non-profit housing sector needs to effectively play the role that only it can in solving the affordable and deeply affordable pieces of the Ontario housing puzzle.

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