Defend the Golden Gate 26

Tell DA Jenkins to Drop the Charges!

Goal: 8000
On April 15, Bay Area people of conscience staged a powerful protest to demand an immediate ceasefire and an end to US military aid to Israel. 26 protestors were arrested on the Golden Gate Bridge and held in jail for days, where they faced harsh and discriminatory treatment
On August 10, San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins announced that her office was filing a series of trumped up charges against these protestors, including felony conspiracy and 38 counts of false imprisonment per person. Warrants have been issued for their rearrests. Protestors are being forced to surrender themselves to the San Francisco Jail on August 12th. While the genocide rages on, the District Attorney's office is wasting public funds to punish people of conscience for protesting injustice. These latest developments demonstrate DA Jenkins' heightened efforts to criminalize the very act of protest itself.
As the Golden Gate 26 prepare for the lengthy legal battle ahead of them, it is imperative for us all to remember the grave conditions that precipitated their protest to begin with: genocide. Israel continues to inflict countless massacres upon the people of Gaza, bombarding displaced Palestinians with US-made and US-funded bombs. We must each do what we can to oppose this US fueled genocide.
The targeting of protestors like the Golden Gate 26 reveals the US government's stake in silencing opposition to its war crimes. Framing protests as a conspiracy is a transparent attempt to criminalize solidarity itself, and we will not allow the Golden Gate 26 to be isolated or intimidated out of our shared struggle for a liberated Palestine. Contact District Attorney Jenkins below and tell her to drop the charges!
Towards liberation,
Golden Gate 26 Defense Committee

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