Join Shedd Aquarium to help restore coral reefs!

Coral reefs only represent 1-2 percent of total marine habitat, yet 25 percent of marine life directly depends on them for survival. Coral reefs are also facing many threats caused by humans including pollution, overfishing, and warming waters due to climate change.  Scientists estimate that unless we take immediate action, we could lose up to 70 percent of coral reefs by 2050 and 100 percent of Florida’s shallow-water corals by 2030. We have a responsibility to care for these ecosystems that we rely on for recreation, coastal protection, and jobs. 

Earlier this year, the Restoring Resilient Reefs Act was introduced in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, and we need your help to move it forward! 

The bill would strengthen the national Coral Reef Conservation program and allow for innovative tools and resources to the on-the-ground partners that are closest to the crisis for American reefs. 

Please contact your members of Congress to ask them to support the Restoring Resilient Reefs Act with one simple click below!

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