All On The Line Montana Apportionment Letter To The Editor Campaign

What is Montana Redistricting? What is Apportionment?

Right now, the people of Montana have the opportunity to help determine how they are represented in the state legislature and in Congress. 

Every ten years, after the completion of the U.S. Census, the Montana Constitution dictates that a five member independent commission redraw the boundaries of Montana’s State Legislative districts. On April 26 the U.S. Census Bureau announced that population growth in Montana means the state will now have two congressional members in the U.S. House of Representatives. This change gives the commission an additional responsibility for the first time in 30 years: the drawing of congressional districts. This process of determining Congressional seat counts based on Census population data is known as 'Apportionment'.

Why is it important to speak out about this topic?

Too often the map drawing process is abused to draw districts that protect incumbents or lead to “safe” districts with no competition. It is important for constituents, the citizens of Montana, to let the commission that is responsible for drawing the lines know that fair maps and a transparent process are absolutely necessary. No matter our color, party, or zip code, Montanans agree that we pick our leaders, our leaders don’t get to pick their voters. 

It is also important for those of us who know how important this process is to communicate that to other members of our community who might not be as aware.

How does this LTE tool work?

Once you enter your information to the right, the tool will find your closest newspapers. You'll see the template language we've made that you can submit straight up, or edit to your liking. Once you've made any changes you want press the 'Submit To My Papers' button and an emails will automatically be sent directly to the editors of your local papers with your message. That's it! 

Why Write a Letter To The Editor?

Writing a Letter To The Editor is an effective way of adding your voice to the public record that makes a difference. Readers can see Letters To The Editor as important voices in their community. The Comission tracks Letters To The Editor as a general barometer of support and makes decisions based on what they read.

Montana Letter to the Editor

All On The Line

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