Tell Kentucky Policymakers To Protect Solar Energy

Tell Kentucky Policymakers To Protect Solar Energy 

Kentucky state legislators recently passed a bill that requires the Public Service Commission, a body that oversees the state’s largest utilities, to look at how homegrown solar energy is valued. 

Specifically, the Commission was asked to look at the state’s retail net metering program. Retail net metering is a policy that provides homes, churches, and small businesses with fair credit for the solar power they generate and send to their neighbors. 


Retail net metering enables people to become more energy independent with solar and fight back against monopoly utilities that have had a stranglehold on electricity for the past century. People should have the right to produce, use, and share their own energy and not be reliant on others.  

More solar energy also means more good jobs for Kentucky. Neighboring states like Illinois and Tennessee have 3x the number of solar jobs compared to Kentucky. Let’s grow the economy, create jobs, and make our state more energy independent. 

Take action today and tell regulators to protect solar energy!