Tell T-Mobile to Cancel All Contracts in Guantanamo
T-Mobile profits from the continued existence of Guantánamo Bay Base, a global “symbol of racial and religious injustice, abuse, and disregard for the rule of law.”
January 2023 marks 21 years since George W. Bush opened Guantánamo prison. Since then, 779 Muslim men and boys have been held there. All have suffered from the physical and psychological effects of indefinite detention.
Today, 36 men remain detained, despite the fact that both Presidents Obama and Biden pledged to shut down the prison. But it remains open. This is why it is crucial for all corporations to end their existing contracts with the base, as a step towards actually shutting down the prison.
T-Mobile has proclaimed itself as a leader among corporations committing to racial justice. T-Mobile cannot claim to be working toward anti-racism while simultaneously providing services and telecommunications infrastructure to Guantánamo.
Tell T-Mobile: be on the right side of history—lead with your “anti-racist” values and cancel all contracts in Guantánamo.